Friday 20 March 2015

Super Mario For Android.... !!!

Super Mario on Android? Nintendo announces they will finally release mobile games

super mario
Having Nintendo’s games on other platforms is something we’ve always asked for, and it seems like the Japanese gaming giant is finally giving in to that plea. The company has confirmed that they are in partnership with mobile game publishing house DeNA to release games under the Big N banner on smartphones and tablets later this year.
Unfortunately details of the deal weren’t made clear. We don’t know if they will look to port existing games or create new ones, whether they’ll look to use their existing intellectual IPs or create new ones. We don’t even know how many games Nintendo is planning to release or whether this is just a one-time deal.
But it’s huge of Nintendo to even make movement on the mobile front for a few different reasons:
  • Nintendo has been reluctant to join the mobile bandwagon in the past, likely in a bid to boost demand for their own hardware.
  • Nintendo is historically stubborn, and proud to be so. Case in point: we still don’t have a full-blown console RPG for Pokemon despite fans basically promising to buy a Wii U if they do.
  • There’s no incentive for Nintendo to see the mobile scene do well as they don’t sell smartphones like their competitors Sony and Microsoft.
So why bother? Well, their console strategy isn’t exactly working. Despite beating Sony and Microsoft to market in the latest generation they’ve struggled to get any strong momentum with the Wii U. In fact, they’re already working on a new console set to be released at some point next year.
We’d say this is a case of Nintendo finally figuring out that they need to adapt to a rapid-changing industry. Great companies are applauded when they can stick to their beliefs and do well without reacting to trends, but those who know when it’s time to swallow pride are held in even higher regard. We’re hoping this new focus on mobile is simply the first step for them in a wide sweeping of changes they so desperately need to make.

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